From Nydus Network
Meeting log
- Moderator: Alex
- Logwright: Nils
- Time Bitch: Alex
- PacMan: Alex
Internal Reports
- Poster by Melli
There will be two separate Posters for the Bioprinter Construction Workshop and Bioprinting Workshop.
- RUB.tv by Melli and Alex
Chris will visit us on our Construction Workshop Day. He may join us some days later again.
- Network by Alex
Dr. Hoffmann, is looking forward for a lecture. There will be a fraction of the whole course. He is aims for a discussion pointed torwards Ethics and Personalized Applications in Medicine.
- Network by Alex
We could present ourselves in one of his lectures. Alex tries to get a presentation for this.
- Bioprinter by Alex and Jan
The remaining parts were ordered and should arrive this week.
New People