From Nydus Network
Protocol to [[ https://pm.nydusone.ddnss.de:8443/E9 | Weekly Meeting]]
- Milestones 2018 and Review/Resumeé 2017:
Resumeé: Nydus network has been established. New members and partners gathered. Migration from Trello to Phabricator as main organizational tool. PR via Brochures. KOFFEE Brochure. Bundestag Brochure. Development of Bioprinter V1. Establishing of first bioprinting methods (including Hardware & Software prototypes). ETIM conference. applied successfully for inStudies Funding. BCI-Cluster pitched. Easyclick prototype development (licence plate holder in cooperation with Mike Andre). Hackathon with EZW planned but did not work out.
Agenda 2018: Homepage, Infrastructure, Release Bioprinter V1, Networking with DasLabor/ChaosWest/ Warpzone, BMBF Funding?, push BCI
- BCI cluster (What are our aims? What is our benefit? How does the cooperation look like?): delayed until further
- Projektliste Greg-San: delayed until further notice...
- RUB Mail:
Situation: Plans exist to discontinue email service for Alumni/in case of exmatriculation. Unconfirmed sources claim this has been put to a stall. Result: Recommendation: Vigilance advised.
- YLSE `18 any of the istem students interested in hosting it? money from FS Medicine? ( @Lex )
- IT/Database associated People who would be willing to work on ntional/later european database for biology undergraduate and graduate studies, internship platform/börse --> recommendations Nils, Dennis: studieren.de, eumastersportal.com, etc. pp (Recommendation
- Nydus.one oder nydus.community -- nydus.one