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Meeting log


  • Moderator: Nils
  • Logwright: Jan
  • Time Bitch: Alex
  • PacMan: Alex



Internal Reports

  • Workshop evaluation concept by Nils
    Nils finished evaluation for Python workshop, uploaded to Sciebo, standardized evaluation usable for other workshops, link: http://nydusone.limequery.org/admin/authentication/sa/login
  • Report inStudies by Nils
    Final project evaluation for inStudies, short discussion of final draft, will be send to Andrea
  • Poster Nydus One by Melina
    Melina designed the final draft of our Nydus one poster, ready to print
  • Signature and Founding assembly by Nils, Jan, Alex
    Notar Appointment on 23.08.18 at 17.00 was cancelled and we asked for a new appointment, possible dates are 22.08.18 or 24.08.18, bring student ID, First club address is address of Alex
  • Dr. Hoffmann Mediziner by Nils
    Dr. Hoffmann asked for a topic for digital medicine lecture, in our case the Bioprinter, Med students should use literature in advance to get into the topic and then attend a short demonstration of the Bioprinting technology in the lab. Discussion with Dr. Hoffmann and Prof. Brand-Saberi for general concept
  • RubTV by Nils
    Melli was contacted by RubTV for a report about Nydus one, possible project is the Bioprinter construction workshop, Organisation by Melli and Alex, concept will be presented by Christopher Wulf from RubTV
  • Bioprinter by Nils
    Remaining parts were printed by Nils, extruder is ready, Publication in progress
  • Beitragsordnung by Jan, Alex
    Jan and Alex finished the Beitragsordnung and uploaded it to Nydus WIKI
  • Bioprinter Construction Workshop by Jan
    Jan reserved the Maker Forum for the 21.09.18 from 10 to open end
  • 3D Printer Workshop by Nils
    Mark is not available for the Workshop, currently no alternative, workshop cancelled

External Reports


New People



  • Nydus one Poster decision for Melli
    We decided about the Nydus one poster, agreed the design

  • Nydus one bank account for Jan <br7> Jan will apply for a new bank account

Any Other Business