Writing Meetinglogs

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How to write a MeetingLog

The purpose of our MeetingLogs is to provide a general overview over which decisions were made at a meeting as well as their desired effect and situation, to which it is going to be applied. As for now NydusOne organizes all its actions in projects which consist of tasks and our MeetingLogs should reflect this structure in their format.

The Structure

1. Who attended the meeting
2. How were the roles distributed
3. short summary of the individual project reports (state responsible person, speaker and project name as well)
4. New people
5. short summary of Agenda point discussions and agreed upon action points (see also Format in weekly Meeting)
6. Workpackage distribution

wiki markup Template (example)


==Meeting log ==

*'''Moderator: ''' Nils 
*'''Logwright: ''' Termi 
*'''Time Bitch: ''' Alex 
*'''PacMan: ''' Doerte 


===Internal Reports===
*'''[http://www.google.com Bioprinter]''' by Nils<br/>Neues Akronym für den Bioprinter gefunden. N.O.S.E. wird super.<br/>
*'''[http://www.google.com Vereine sind jetzt illegal]''' by Doerte<br/>Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.


===External Reports===
*'''[http://www.google.com Vereine sind jetzt illegal]''' by Doerte<br/>Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.<br/>
*'''[http://www.google.com Vereine sind jetzt illegal]''' by Doerte<br/>Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.<br/>
*'''[http://www.google.com Vereine sind jetzt illegal]''' by Doerte<br/>Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.<br/>

===New People===

*Malte Raczczhczkowski 
*Matilda Reisskopf 
*Randolf Bauer


*'''CREATE PROJECT "3rd Reich Schienengeschütz replica"''' by Alex<br/>The greatest gun of them all. I swear... It's the best.<br/>'''workpackages: '''planning, construction, world domination <br/>
*'''CREATE WORKPACKAGE "R&D" IN PROJECT "3rd Reich Schienengeschütz replica"''' for Doerte<br/>Nobody knows how to build a Schienengeschütz.<br/><br/>

===Any Other Business===

LateX Code

Preliminary Edit:

For Latex --> html conversion, use one of the available conversion packages latex2html, tex4ht which support most latex formatting options (i.e. tables, pictures, hyperlinks, paragraphs, math mode, etc.) or even better for direct wiki markup formatting use this script (Attention, the other mentioned script in this wiki article needs pearl, but produces reliable results for windows whereas latex2html or tex4ht with direct html formatting might produce nice html websites, but will certainly not work as intended when using them in the wiki! only hyperlinks do not seem to work as intended --> in front of the text instead of linking from the text).

Under Linux the pandoc converter for markup languages seems to work fine with the exception of sometimes producing ill placed square brackets. If those are manually removed, the result is working mediawiki code.

Make sure it runs on your Latex distribution (correct settings, file path, etc.) or alternatively, use Overleaf. You may ask yourself why use all of this, since you can just copy the template: If you want to modify the protocol, instead of formatting everything in html or rather wiki markup anew, just use latex to do the job for you. Second advantage: Just insert your "normal text" and let the program do the rest for you (i.e. placing the names of attendees in a list etc.).

		\item \textbf{Moderator: } #1
		\item \textbf{Logwright: } #2
		\item \textbf{Time Bitch: } #3
		\item \textbf{PacMan: } #4

	\item {\href{#4}{\textbf{#1}} by #2\\
%--additional: parent|[packages]
\newcommand{\projectproposal}[6]{\item {\href{\textbf{#1 PROJECT {}"#2{}"}}{#6} by #3\vspace{0.2cm}\\
	\textbf{workpackages: }#5

\newcommand{\packageproposal}[5]{\item {\textbf{#1 WORKPACKAGE {}"#2{}" IN PROJECT {}"#5{}"} for #3\vspace{0.2cm}\\


\section*{Meeting log \today}
%Internal Reports section
\subsubsection*{\indent Internal Reports}
\report{Bioprinter}{Nils}{Neues Akronym für den Bioprinter gefunden. N.O.S.E. wird super.}{http://www.google.com}
\report{Vereine sind jetzt illegal}{Doerte}{Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.}{http://www.google.com}

%External Reports section
\subsubsection*{\indent External Reports}
\report{Vereine sind jetzt illegal}{Doerte}{Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.}{http://www.google.com}
\report{Vereine sind jetzt illegal}{Doerte}{Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.}{http://www.google.com}
\report{Vereine sind jetzt illegal}{Doerte}{Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.}{http://www.google.com}
\report{Vereine sind jetzt illegal}{Doerte}{Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.}{http://www.google.com}
\subsection*{New People}
	\item Malte Raczczhczkowski
	\item Matilda Reisskopf
	\item Randolf Bauer
\projectproposal{CREATE}{3rd Reich Schienengeschütz replica}{Alex}{The greatest gun of them all. I swear... It's the best.}{planning, construction, world domination}
\packageproposal{CREATE}{R\&D}{Doerte}{Nobody knows how to build a Schienengeschütz.}{3rd Reich Schienengeschütz replica}
\subsection*{Any Other Business}

How it looks like:

Meeting log


  • Moderator: Nils
  • Logwright: Termi
  • Time Bitch: Alex
  • PacMan: Doerte


Internal Reports

  • Bioprinter by Nils
    Neues Akronym für den Bioprinter gefunden. N.O.S.E. wird super.
  • Vereine sind jetzt illegal by Doerte
    Der BundesRechnungshof des Volkes hat Vereine für rechtswidrig erklärt.

External Reports

New People

  • Malte Raczczhczkowski
  • Matilda Reisskopf
  • Randolf Bauer


  • CREATE PROJECT "[3rd Reich Schienengeschütz replica]" by Alex
    The greatest gun of them all. I swear... It's the best.
    workpackages: planning, construction, world domination
  • CREATE WORKPACKAGE "R&D" IN PROJECT "3rd Reich Schienengeschütz replica" for Doerte
    Nobody knows how to build a Schienengeschütz.

Any Other Business

  • None