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'''6. Workpackage distribution ''' <br>
'''6. Workpackage distribution ''' <br>
==Copy & Paste Template==
Dennis O,
*Dennis O,
*und der Nils (Protokoll).
und der Nils (Protokoll).
;[Project report/Responsible person/Reporting person (not necessary if the same as responsible person]: Report goes HERE.
;Legal Form: gUG or Verein.
;EXAMPLE [Bioprinter/Nils/Alex]: New Extruder v2 is finished. Still problems with firmware that stops printer midprint for big constructs.
;InStudies Feedback:
;Call for Papers:
;Bioprinter: Kevin, Corinna, Publication
===External Reports===
;[Reportee/matter]: Report goes HERE
;EXAMPLE [Felix] Felix is a medical student and wants to participate in the BCI project. He has expertise in neurological imaging.
===New People===
===New People===
*that homeless bum (was just sleeping here)
;Administration: Agendamanager and Moderator rework.
*Software Bioprinter: Dennis will have a look into that.
*Conference attendance: A X-conference takes place in Essen, 16.8-17.8. You have to register yourself here: no-one-cares.de
*BCI-Cluster: We have a contact (Rich guy, phone number 0900-XXX) that can provide us with cheap hardware. Discuss with him amount and needed materials.
*update our patreon page
===AOB (any other business)===
*Niklas suggested to have a bbq at kemnader see this weekend
*Alex can not attend for a short time, since he is on vacation for 2 weeks
==Work package Management==
;Personal Commitment is requiered in the following 2 weeks:
*Doerte: (stillx2.5) Openproject Wiki Formating.
*Dennis: ECTS accreditation for informatics
*Alex: Call for Papers
*Marc: (stillx1.5) prepare concept of Workshop

Revision as of 15:30, 5 June 2018

How to write a MeetingLog

The purpose of our MeetingLogs is to provide a general overview over which decisions were made at a meeting as well as their desired effect and situation, to which it is going to be applied. As for now NydusOne organizes all its actions in projects which consist of tasks and our MeetingLogs should reflect this structure in their format.

The Structure

1. Who attended the meeting
2. How were the roles distributed
3. short summary of the individual project reports (state responsible person, speaker and project name as well)
4. New people
5. short summary of Agenda point discussions and agreed upon action points (see also Format in weekly Meeting)
6. Workpackage distribution





*Dennis O,
*und der Nils (Protokoll).


;Legal Form: gUG or Verein.
;InStudies Feedback:
;Call for Papers:
;Bioprinter: Kevin, Corinna, Publication

===New People===



;Administration: Agendamanager and Moderator rework.

==Work package Management==
;Personal Commitment is requiered in the following 2 weeks:
*Doerte: (stillx2.5) Openproject Wiki Formating.
*Dennis: ECTS accreditation for informatics 
*Alex: Call for Papers
*Marc: (stillx1.5) prepare concept of Workshop