Overall Project Management Structure
We propose a 4-tier project management structure to maintain projects within the nydus network.
Tier 1 - Umbrella
At the top tier we have so called umbrellas, which gather all projects of a specific cooperation. An example for an umbrella would the BCI cluster.
Tier 2 - Actual Projects
The backbone is built by actual projects like the bioprinter.
Tier 3 - Work Groups
Work groups are small groups of peoples which work on concrete parts of a project. An example in the case of out bioprinter would be the work group 'Extruder'.
Tier 4 - Iteration
At the lowest level we have specific iterations within projects, which are executed by the working groups. An iteration is defined by the accomplishment of a specified set of goals/a milestone to come up with a concrete version of a part of a project. An example is given by the first version of the extruder for the bioprinter.