Writing Meetinglogs

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How to write a MeetingLog

The purpose of our MeetingLogs is to provide a general overview over which decisions were made at a meeting as well as their desired effect and situation, to which it is going to be applied. As for now NydusOne organizes all its actions in projects which consist of tasks and our MeetingLogs should reflect this structure in their format.

The Structure

1. Who attended the meeting
2. How were the roles distributed
3. short summary of the individual project reports (state responsible person, speaker and project name as well)
4. New people
5. short summary of Agenda point discussions and agreed upon action points (see also Format in weekly Meeting)
6. Workpackage distribution





*Dennis O,
*und der Nils (Protokoll).

===Internal Reports===

Internal Reports from running projects go here (i.e. Milestones, problems, etc.)

;[project/project leader/reporter(will be obsolete if the person reporting is the project leader)] Report goes HERE
;EXAMPLE: [Bioprinter/Nils/Alex] Bioprinter Extruder v2 is finished, however still problems with software: prints stopping in middle of process for unknown reasons 

===External Reports===

Reports from external people who are not working directly with the internal NydusOne projects
; EXAMPLE [Dennis/DasLabor Bochum] Offered help for semanticWiki

===New People===
;[Felix/Medical Student] Felix is a medical student. Wants to help with BCI project


Situations that require decisions.

;[Call for Papers/
;[Administration/OpenProject/WorkPackages] We need to restructure WOrk Packages
;[Bioprinter/Extruderv2/Design] New Extruder 

===Work package Management===

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