Project Documentation
- Project Documentation*
Prerequisites: If you want to establish a project in the nydus, you have to comply to some rules, which are laid out in the following:
- establish some kind of documentation structure in which you outline: What your idea is, how you conceptualize it, who are your team members, what is your roadmap/plan, what did you achieve so far? - it is recommended but not mandatory to track and document meetings where you set new goals for your projects or include new people/ideas/data as well
A new project can be pitched and is realized in a way similar to the following workflow: - Project Idea - Project Idea Pitch - Project Idea Proposal - Project Set-up phase - iterative, active Projet phase (from here it is mandatory to document your project outline, the goals and the current status!) realization project specific
Informaion management by Nydus standards Milestone | Project success | project abandonment Project finished (or abandoned) -> Archive
Phases workflow:
- Project Idea: Present your idea, acquire supporters/ colleagues or potential new nydus members
collect ideas, data and expertise and work out a project proposal
--> Nydus.One recommends regular meetings of your project (core-) group to discuss problems, progress etc. Set up a list of attendees, points discussed and newly set tasks, document your
meetings, your primary data and additional content if needed
- Project Proposal: Lay out your working plan, milestones, Financing, etc.
--> Democratic voting in the Nydus (i.e. if you "apply" for additional money, resources, etc.) --> get "official" ok
- Project Set-up Phase: Acquire the resources, people and workflow YOU need for YOUR project and actually start working!
- iterative Phase: come back to the Nydus.One for help and support or when in need of further money/ getting introduced to other potential partners or using the network, etc. --> if you have something to
show, hit a milestone etc. document it, maybe inform us and present your work!. After finishing a project, with your permission, projects can move to the open Nydus WIKI